Stills from the "My Classic Car" Show on October 2nd and 3rd
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The weekend of October 1st through the 3rd found a small convoy of DeLoreans driving to
Evansville, Indiana where we participated in the "My Classic Car" Show.

On our way! Stopping at a rest area near the Indiana state line. |

And two more cars at the same rest area. |

Convoying down the highway! |

More in front of us! |

Four of the cars line up at the hotel. |

Getting ready for the car show. |

Talking about DeLoreans. Does it get any better? |

Marty standing behind his car. |

Seven DeLoreans all in a row. |

Taken at an angle |

Another shot of all of us lined up. |

On Sunday we were joined by a local owner with an '83 with the black and grey interior. |
Hope you enjoy these. Sorry there weren't more.
Mark Noeltner
Last modified: November 5, 1999
© 1999 - Mid-State DeLorean Club